Digital Technology

Digital technology can be described as a form of device or software that helps us to create a form of media. It allows us as audiences to become the creators and lets us test our creative capabilities.

During AS, I was given an preliminary task to create a magazine for a college and I had no further knowledge of digital technology past what I was doing before AS which was taking pictures with my smartphone. During production, I used a canon camera with no proper knowledge on its full capabilities and did research on how to layer a typical magazine. I then used adobe photoshop to edit the photo but all that was done was render the image and remove the background.

My skills from my AS preliminary task to my AS music magazine had greatly improved and i had gained a much better understanding of digital technology. Once again, I was still using photoshop and indesign but I was much better with it. I had learnt how to properly render images and make them smooth as well as take full advantage of layering and the spot tools. This made my magazine look much more realistic and professsional compared to my as preliminary task and that is what I was hoping for. My newly found knowledge on digital technology allowed for me to understand what makes a good rap magazine and what techniques I need mto use to ensure that it succeeds and appeals to my target audience. I was able to use the rendering tool to remove the background of my imgages and lay them on a white canvas which I saw plkenty of in rap maagzines.

I transitioned from editing images to editing and filming videos in A2 which was a much bigger leap. I did however retain a few skills such as using photoshop when I created my magazine as I had to create a poster so my knowledge of photo editing from AS was still useful. For editing my horror trailer, I used Final Cut pro in which I collected all of my videos and compiled them into a 1 minute timeline. I used tools such as the blade tool and transition effects to edit the footag, which was captured with a canon camera. I had prior knowledge of how to use this from AS in terms of camera settings such as the ISO.


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