Media Language

Repetition of these signs become Horror genre conventions, however overuse results in taking away the signified meaning

There is a constant repetition of conventions in different types of mediums and in this case, horror trailers, but the more prominent they become, the more typical and eventually audiences start to not realize the valued meaning behind these conventions as over exposure to the same ones becomes tiresome to them. 

Saussure's theory of the signifier and the signified is used constantly in horror. The signifier is the physical form of the object and the signified is the concept or idea that it produces. Horrors constantly use this theory to help layer their subtext and infer meaning into their details. Barthes has a theory of denotation and connotation which means to understand the face value, literal meaning and sub text to find the less obvious deeper meaning and sub text behind it. For example, the denotation of a knife is that it's used to stab people but the connotation in the context of a slasher for example would be that it shows phallic imagery and that it is meant to be sexualized. Over time however, audiences' visions become clouded and they begin not seeing the meaning behind these conventions. 

For example, when conventional scene in horror is that the people that have sex always die, and most people see this as an over used horror trope only put in the film for the sake of making it recognizable. What they fail to realize however is that teens dying whilst having sex is meant to show teen punishment. Sex before marriage is seen as a sin by the catholic church and long ago when most of society was catholic, they put this in horror films to help illustrate this idea that sex before marriage is bad. However, one could say that nowadays, this idea isn't relevant to our generation anymore as not everybody is catholic/christian and that this sub text is now dated. 


  1. This doesn't follow the essay plan given or give EXAMPLES from your Trailer

    "For example, the denotation of a knife is that it's used to stab people but the connotation in the context of a slasher for example would be that it shows phallic imagery and that it is meant to be sexualized. Over time however, audiences' visions become clouded and they begin not seeing the meaning behind these conventions. "
    WHERE is the reference to YOUR trailer?
    WHAT does this look like on screen MES?

    Introduction Theorist: "Horror films use established signs and codes in their conventions to signify deeper my A2 Horror Trailer...X connotes Y."

    "Repetition of these signs become Horror genre conventions, however overuse results in taking away the signified (the meaning) and you are left with just the sign - the visual style rather than producing any subtext or meaning."

    Symbolic Codes
    Technical Codes
    Written Codes
    Audio Codes

    P1 Theory: Symbolic Codes - what, where and how? (C)
    Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
    Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

    P2 Theory: Technical Codes - Camera - what, where and how? (C)
    Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
    Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

    P3 Theory: Technical Codes - Editing - what, where and how? (C)
    Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
    Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

    P4 Theory: Audio Codes - what, where and how? (C)
    Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
    Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)

    P5 Theory: Written Codes - what, where and how? (C)
    Compare with actual Horror RMT and examine meaning? (B)
    Denotation and Connotation reading in your Trailer and the message (A)


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