500 Word Summary On Creativity

In media, technology is a very significant factor in how and what we create as media students and technology was of great importance when creating our summer horror trailers. During the planning of our trailer, our group had already decided to use the camera on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge to film the trailer. It was also used to edit the trailer and add different filters and effect such as the colour grading which is how the dark blue hue was created. Without digital technology, we would not have been able to film and edit our trailers at all. Before digital technology came into existence, it could be argued that peoples creative prowess could be considered as very limited.

In the context of media, intertextuality is taking ideas from one form of text and inserting it into another but reinventing or re-imagining this idea. Bently states that creativity is "the making of the new is rearranging the old". In my media trailer, we had the idea of a final girl character and a killer who's identity is hidden. We got the inspiration of a final girl and hidden antagonist from the scream series, however we reinvented one of the ideas in the following way. The antagonist is completely hidden and you only get a glimpse of his arm which plays into the fear of the unknown and adds a sense of mystery towards him/her. Therefore, Bently would argue that my trailer has a sense of creativity.

To have no originality is to make an idea based off of a pre-existing idea or to completely copy one. One could argue that i have no originality in the context of my AS music magazine in the sense that its structure and style was completely copied from a pre-existing magazine. This was done in order to create a professional looking magazine and to learn how to do that, I of course looked at professional magazines such as The Source and The Vibe to help ,e create the magazine. A theorist such as Bently could argue however, that there is a sense of originality in my magazine as the image is completely my own, in terms of pose and editing, as well as the colour scheme of the magazine.

One could argue that the act of production is creative as it is essentially bringing something that didn't exist before into existence. Post modernism is the idea that all media is different and can be judged differently by different people. As I live in London, I have access to very urban and decimated locations which are essential for my horror trailer as opposed to someone living in a very natural environment like wales. This shows the importance of culture in creativity as how someone like me, who is surrounded by very urban environments would consider them to be good horror conventions instead of someone being surrounded by country sides. We are both creative despite our judgements being different.

I have greatly developed from a mere audience member that consumes media to a post modern producer of media that has publicly uploaded forms of media onto YouTube for audiences to watch. A good example is when I created a college magazine over a year ago when I first began to create my AS music magazine. This college magazine was of poor quality in comparison to what I produced at the end of AS. For example, Photoshop which was a very important form of digital technology, was not used to its full extent with an absence of layers and other techniques such as properly rendering images. Whereas with my music magazine, these techniques were used to their full extent to create a professional looking product.


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