Real Media Texts
Conventions as 'rules' have purpose in which they can be either followed or broken. They can be reinvented in ordered to keep from being repetitive and add a sense of originality. My understanding of the use and purpose of semiotics was lacking in AS, but when it came to A2, through my research I have gained a much deeper understanding. I created a music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread in AS last year. The magazine was in the rap genre and I had to follow a set of codes and conventions typical of rap magazines by looking at other examples. The layout and structure of my magazine was inspired by The Source. The style and positioning of my masthead was very big, bold and took up a third of the front cover. The semiotics, in relation to color, however were not followed. The Source magazine I took inspiration from used Reds, whites and yellows which were meant to present a sense of boldness whereas my magazine used purples and blacks. I did this to a...
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